The MooTest system.
MIT License
mootest.js | The MooTest system. |
MooTest | The MooTest namespace. |
MooTest. | Exception thrown by tests failed. |
Variables | |
message | The description of the error. |
Functions | |
MooTest. | Adds to every method of the class definition a ‘functionName’ attribute which is the name of the function in the class definition. |
MooTest. | A block of tests, either suites or testsets. |
Functions | |
initialize | Create a new test block. |
run | Run the test(s) of this test block and report results to a callback function. |
_tests | Method to override to return a map between test names and callables; each callable is a test. |
_error | Throw a new error caused by a test failed. |
MooTest. | A single test set. |
Functions | |
initialize | Create a new TestSet. |
assert | Assert a condition. |
assertEquals | Assert two values are the same (according to the ‘==’ operator). |
assertZero | Assert a value is zero. |
assertNotEquals | Assert two values are the same (according to the ‘!=’ operator). |
assertGreater | Assert the first value is greater than the second (according to the ‘>’ operator). |
assertGreaterOrEqual | Assert the first value is greater or equal than the second (according to the ‘>=’ operator). |
assertLesser | Assert the first value is greater than the second (according to the ‘<’ operator). |
assertLesserOrEqual | Assert the first value is greater or equal than the second (according to the ‘<=’ operator). |
assertDefined | Assert a value is defined (according to the MooTools ‘$defined’ function; that is, it’s neither null nor undefined). |
assertNotDefined | Assert a value is not defined (according to the MooTools ‘$defined’ function; that is, it’s either null or undefined). |
assertThrowException | Assert a piece of code throw an exception. |
assertThrowNotException | Assert a piece of code throw not an exception. |
MooTest. | A suite of tests. |
Functions | |
initialize | Create a new suite. |
MooTest. | A test runner. |
Functions | |
run | Run a block of tests, showing the results. |
MooTest. | The default test runner for the base test page given in the distribution. |
Exception thrown by tests failed.
Variables | |
message | The description of the error. |
Functions | |
MooTest. | Adds to every method of the class definition a ‘functionName’ attribute which is the name of the function in the class definition. |
MooTest.ClassEnhancer = function( className, classDefinition )
Adds to every method of the class definition a ‘functionName’ attribute which is the name of the function in the class definition. This way the stack trace method can extract a name even for the generated anonymous functions.
className | The name of the class. |
classDefinition | The class definition as should be passed to the Class constructor. |
A class definition with the function members enriched with a ‘functionName’ attribute.
var MyClass = new Class(MooTest.ClassEnhancer({ myMethod: function(a, b) { return a+b; } })); var m = new MyClass(); alert(m.MyMethod.functionName); // alerts 'myMethod'
A block of tests, either suites or testsets. This is a base class for both of Suite and TestSet and serves the purpose to provide the base definitions for both.
Functions | |
initialize | Create a new test block. |
run | Run the test(s) of this test block and report results to a callback function. |
_tests | Method to override to return a map between test names and callables; each callable is a test. |
_error | Throw a new error caused by a test failed. |
run: function( callback )
Run the test(s) of this test block and report results to a callback function.
Between the tests you can put special-named elements which are considered separately. These are:
callback | The callback function; when the test is completed it is called with a dictionary containing the following keys: name (name of the test), success (boolean telling whether test succeeded or not), error (the description of the error as an object containing the keys ‘message’, ‘source’, ‘line’ and ‘stack’); when the test starts is called with the same dictionary where success is null. |
A single test set. A test set is a set of tests performed on the same data and which can have a setup and tear-down processing for every test.
Functions | |
initialize | Create a new TestSet. |
assert | Assert a condition. |
assertEquals | Assert two values are the same (according to the ‘==’ operator). |
assertZero | Assert a value is zero. |
assertNotEquals | Assert two values are the same (according to the ‘!=’ operator). |
assertGreater | Assert the first value is greater than the second (according to the ‘>’ operator). |
assertGreaterOrEqual | Assert the first value is greater or equal than the second (according to the ‘>=’ operator). |
assertLesser | Assert the first value is greater than the second (according to the ‘<’ operator). |
assertLesserOrEqual | Assert the first value is greater or equal than the second (according to the ‘<=’ operator). |
assertDefined | Assert a value is defined (according to the MooTools ‘$defined’ function; that is, it’s neither null nor undefined). |
assertNotDefined | Assert a value is not defined (according to the MooTools ‘$defined’ function; that is, it’s either null or undefined). |
assertThrowException | Assert a piece of code throw an exception. |
assertThrowNotException | Assert a piece of code throw not an exception. |
A suite of tests. A test suite is a collection of other Suites or TestSets.
Functions | |
initialize | Create a new suite. |
A test runner. This class run a TestBlock (TestSet or Suite) and report results.
init | Generated at the beginning of the test block run. |
testStart | Generated when a test is started; has the name of the test as argument. |
testPassed | Generated when a test pass; has the name of the test as argument. |
testFailed | Generated when a test fail; has the following arguments: the name of the test, the error description, the source file/url where the error happened, the line at which the error happened, the full stack. |
dispose | Generated at the end of the test block. |
Adds to every method of the class definition a ‘functionName’ attribute which is the name of the function in the class definition.
MooTest.ClassEnhancer = function( className, classDefinition )
Create a new test block.
initialize: function()
Run the test(s) of this test block and report results to a callback function.
run: function( callback )
Method to override to return a map between test names and callables; each callable is a test.
_tests: function()
Throw a new error caused by a test failed.
_error: function( description )
Create a new TestSet.
initialize: function( tests )
Assert a condition.
assert: function( condition, message )
Assert two values are the same (according to the ‘==’ operator).
assertEquals: function( v1, v2, message )
Assert a value is zero.
assertZero: function( v, message )
Assert two values are the same (according to the ‘!=’ operator).
assertNotEquals: function( v1, v2, message )
Assert the first value is greater than the second (according to the ‘>’ operator).
assertGreater: function( v1, v2, message )
Assert the first value is greater or equal than the second (according to the ‘>=’ operator).
assertGreaterOrEqual: function( v1, v2, message )
Assert the first value is greater than the second (according to the ‘<’ operator).
assertLesser: function( v1, v2, message )
Assert the first value is greater or equal than the second (according to the ‘<=’ operator).
assertLesserOrEqual: function( v1, v2, message )
Assert a value is defined (according to the MooTools ‘$defined’ function; that is, it’s neither null nor undefined).
assertDefined: function( v, message )
Assert a value is not defined (according to the MooTools ‘$defined’ function; that is, it’s either null or undefined).
assertNotDefined: function( v, message )
Assert a piece of code throw an exception.
assertThrowException: function( f, message )
Assert a piece of code throw not an exception.
assertThrowNotException: function( f, message )
Create a new suite.
initialize: function( testBlocks )
Run a block of tests, showing the results.
run: function( testBlock )